Those who use it swear that using Epsom salt on plants make them lush and
healthier. Find out yourself, see these 13 Epsom salt uses in the garden.

However, there are many positive impacts of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate),
but its excessive use must be avoided.

1. To get sweeter fruits

Epsom salt to fruit trees

Apply Epsom salt 1 tablespoon per sq ft of fruit trees and shrubs to boost
chlorophyll levels inside plant cells, which means improved photosynthesis,
stronger growth of the plant, sweeter fruits, and increase productivity.

Fruit trees like citrus, apples, peaches, pomegranate, and plums perk up
after application of Epsom salt.

2. To help plants absorb more nutrients

If you use Epsom salt as fertilizer, your plants will receive all of the
required nutrients adequately. Why? The Epsom salt contains magnesium, a
mineral that enhances the absorption of basic nutrients needed by plants
to grow, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur.

3. To avoid transplanting shock

Help plants to overcome transplant shocks when you plant them into a garden
or change their pots, add a tablespoon of Epsom salt to the soil, then once
again add a layer of soil before placing the plant so that root does not
come in direct contact with the salt.

4. To have juiciest tomatoes and healthy tomato plants

Epsom salt on tomatoes

Tomatoes suffer from magnesium deficiency, especially when grown in pots. To
resolve this, dissolve 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt in 1 gallon of water and
apply this solution in every two weeks to your tomato plants.

Using Epsom Salt for Tomatoes

5. Yellowing leaves

The leaves of plants and trees turn yellow due to magnesium deficiency as it
is an essential component in the production of chlorophyll, to counter this,
add a tablespoon of Epsom salt around the base of your plant per 12 inches
of its height, once a month until it starts to look green again.

Plant Deficiency Symptoms and How to Identify Them

6. Prevent leaf curling

Sometimes due to magnesium deficiency, leaves may curl inward or upward. In
such case, application of Epsom salt around the base of the plant helps a lot.
Alternately, for quick absorption, you can also mix 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt
in a gallon of water and spray directly on the foliage.

7. To increase the production of peppers

Give a boost to your pepper plants by adding 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt every
week, especially at the time of flowering and fruiting to increase the production
of peppers.

8. For better blooming roses

Epsom salt on rose

Adding Epsom salt helps in the production of chlorophyll, which favors the bushier
growth of the roses. Also, its addition encourages more blooms. Feed rose bushes
with Epsom salt at the time of planting and again at the first sign of new growth.
Application of Epsom salt when the plant is flowering is also helpful. You can also
soak bare root roses in water that contains dissolved Epsom salt before planting.

Everything About Growing Roses in 30 Diagrams

9. Get rid of weeds

If you want to get rid of weeds in your garden but don’t want to use herbicides.
Use Epsom salt. Instead, mix 1 liter of vinegar with 2 tablespoons dish soap and
4 tablespoons of Epsom salts. Stir everything well and pour this into a spray
bottle. Spray this solution on weeds. Make sure you don’t spray this on other
garden plants.

10. Lawn Fertilizer

Magnesium contained in Epsom salt is beneficial to the lawn! Sprinkle 5 cups of
Epsom salts per 100 m 2 of lawn, apply it with a spreader or spray it by diluting
in water to get a lush green lawn.

16 Effective Lawn Care and Maintenance Tips

11. Removing tree stumps

Drill a few holes in the tree trunk and fill each hole with Epsom salt. Then pour
the water into the holes. The trunk should begin to decompose within a few weeks.

Find out more about this.

Quick Tip: Remove a Tree Stump with Epsom Salt

10 Amazing Tree Stump Ideas for the Garden

12. Care for potted plants

Feeding epsom salt to potted plants

Potted plants become magnesium deficient more quickly than plants grown
on the ground. Therefore, add 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt to 1 gallon
of water and feed this solution once a month to your container plants.
Water until it starts to flow out from the bottom of the pot.

13. Healthy and Beautiful Shrubs and Trees

Epsom salt can keep shrubs and trees healthy and in bloom. Work one
tablespoon Epsom salt for shrubs, and two tablespoons for trees in
nine square feet area around the root zone.

13 Great Epsom Salt Uses in the Garden



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